Tuesday, 18 June 2013

To Market, To Market...

Mondays are market days here in Bedoin, so I thought I'd give you a little tour.  I hope you appreciate we got up extra early just to bring this to you!

This is looking down the main street from the top.  The market goes on for about a mile:

Would you like some saucisson?  Every flavour imaginable:

Or perhaps you have a problem with vampires:

Maybe you need a little cheese to go with the wine you will no doubt be downing later:

Or perhaps some nougat?  I told LT I'd take the bit on the top left, but she said no, how rude!

She wouldn't let me have any nougat from here either, even though the bits were smaller (They were still about 100 times the size of you! - LT)

She was more interested in the boring olives:

There's more bags here than even LT has made:

How about a little chicken?

Or more cheese and saucisson?  This guy had some really nice cheese, we shall have to bring some home...

There were vampire problems at the bottom of the village too:

But there was some very nice fruit there.  LT say it would stain my paws if I ate all that lot though:

Maybe you need some Provencal dishes to eat everything in:

Apparently that's where LT's patience with taking photos ran out, so that's the end of our tour, sorry!  Is there anything you want to see next week?  I can try and negotiate...


The Bear's Blog said...

Hi Jack,

Boy, that LT sure loves that NO word doesn't she? Geez Louise.....

Watch out for those vampires, think LT would at least buy you some garlic to wear around your neck?

I would like to see some kin, you know TEDDY BEARS.

Heaps of Hugs
Prudence ♥

Sebastian@bearbits said...

Hi Jack,

I loved seeing the photos of the market. Too bad your staff ran out of picture taking energy. And what is that all about - no nougat? Well, I think you should use all your influence for a really nice dessert later. After all, you seem to be doing all the work. :D

your friend,

Isisjem said...

I'm with LT on the olive interest. Did LT shield you from the stall selling used underwear. I hear all French markets have them?

Kays Kids said...

Jack you need to negotiate a honey stall, or honey icecream. Granny and I loved seeing all the market stalls.
Granny wanted to buy the blue wheel barrow that the garlic was in.

Catrin Lewis said...

Dear Jack

First of all an apology. I have been following LT's blog for some time but have only now stumbled across your delightful ramblings. I assure you that this situation has now been rectified.

Secondly, you really must get your staff to know their place! Have you ever tried counting to five when they don't listen? I've found this to do wonders with my staff (by staff I mean four year old daughter ;) ) You may want to give this a try.


Catrin x

Catrin Lewis said...

Oh Jack, you naughty, naughty bear. You seem to have forgotten to turn that nasty word verification thingymigib off! If you're not sure how to do it may I suggest asking LT to help? She's done a lovely job of it on her own blog. (If she refuses remember - one, two, three, four, five.....)