And so to the last full day...
As the boys were enjoying a lie in, I went for a wander round the village with LT after breakfast. First we stopped at the scene of Friday night's crimes... It's not open at 10:30 am, I wonder why?
Look at all the bright coloured shops at our end of the village:
We stayed at the end down by the pier, but this weird village is really strung out, it goes for over a mile in funny little pockets of houses and shops and pubs! This is at the middle clump. Can you spot me?
What do you mean no?! I'm sitting on the black sign in the middle! Okay, so then we turned round and saw the signs point up the road behind where LT was in the photo above. This is the main crossroads in the village, so many choices, so little time...
Did you spot me this time? No again? Sheesh, okay, here's a close up:
After this we wandered back to the cottage to meet the boys again, and we decided to head to the beach at Lehinch for ice-cream and to see the surfers. There's nothing better than getting ice cream for lunch on your holidays just because you can.
On the way we stopped at this old ruined church and graveyard. Isn't this a really pretty graveyard?
(Err, I'm not sure graveyards are meant to be classed as pretty - LT) Of course it's pretty, who wouldn't want a view like this, dead or alive? (Well, I suppose so! - LT)
This is the church part, look at the wee door, it's almost little bear sized - see, I'm sitting on the shelf above so you can see the scale. LT had to bend in half to get through it.
Anyway, there was a hand wee bear sized entrance too:
Next we headed round to the beach to laugh at all the surfers that couldn't. Surf that is. They couldn't surf to save themselves!
That was halfway along the front, and there were hundreds and hundreds of surfers and a few canoeists, and then some weirdos standing up and paddling on something way out in the distance. We never did figure out what that was!
Our next stop was at the cave in Doolin to see the great Stalactite. I didn't get out to play here because it was soooooo muddy, and it just looked too sludgy and gooey for little bears to wade around in, so I just peered out of LT's pocket.
Finally we raced back to the Cliffs of Moher for sunset.
I bet you didn't know there were totem poles in Ireland!
I love that LT took a photo of me in front of this sign, and then totally ignored it half an hour later, I mean really, what kind of example was she trying to set?!
Then we turned about 45 degrees left and looked down at the cliffs one way
Please note that I was sitting safely on a wall with a grassy back behind it at this point...
Then we rotated about 90 degrees to the right to look up to the little castley thing at the top
And then we went back down the hill and onto the cliff edge. LT has photos of her feet, along with Chris' and Mark's, hanging off the edge of the cliff entirely! She didn't make me do that, but I was very close to the edge here, so I sat verrrrrry still...
Finally I got to try and blend in with the rocks that make up the cliffs, aren't they a pretty colour? They match me so well:
Finalyl we all scrambled back up to the path and went home to watch some DVDs on the wall. Bet you didn't know you could watch a dvd on a wall did you?
We saw Quigley Down Under, which was quite odd, and then Withnail and I. LT and I agreed that now we could say we'd seen it, and never speak of it again. The boys are all older than us, we think it fitted in with their youth better...
Hi Jack,
Wellll, some of those pictures screamed "bear endangerment" but as long as you are okay - that's all that maters.
It sounds like you had quite an adventure. What next? Will you go to work with LT? Or stay home with The Clan?
Have a cool weekend and don't do anything that I wouldn't do (and that, little buddy, ain't much). Giggle.
Heaps of Hugs
Coo flip, I wish I could have come with you. YOu certainly had a great few days. All that nice Guinness and stuff on day one, the Burren and the beach on day two and then those cliffs! Wow, and you had good weather too. The people way out were doing board paddling. You stand on a surf board and then you paddle along with a canoe paddle. You can go quite a long way (apparently). Anyway I'm jealous.
Ooh, this was a grand day, wee Jackie! I wish I'd been there. LT told me she has put her feet over the edge of these cliffs...I would have done that too, making sure you stayed safely back, of course! Bear safety must always be our number one priority!!
I very much enjoyed the graveyard shots..I love cemeteries, too. Do tell LT I think she did a super job on the photos, not the hardest thing, of course, as most of them feature the adorable you...but I think she outdid herself on those last two of you...just stunning!
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